Resource Centre > Webinars > Expediting Critical Infrastructure Recovery after a Natural Disaster

Expediting Critical Infrastructure Recovery after a Natural Disaster

In this on demand webinar, Willie Whelan, Vice President – Business Development at Canadian data acquisition company Osprey Integrity, shares their insights for expediting the repair of often extensive damage to critical infrastructure after a natural disaster.

Watch this webinar to hear how:

  • The data capture process of damaged infrastructure can be sped up
  • Bridge engineers will be able to gain the information required remotely
  • Bridge recovery can be planned without a trip to the site
  • Streamlining engineering efforts can expedite a return to normal life

After a natural disaster, a huge amount of work is required to rebuild, taking years to replace what has been damaged. Willie and the team at Osprey Integrity believe restoration activities can be accelerated and have been developing this workflow.

When faced with the destruction from the devastating 2021 floods in British Columbia, Willie and the team were able to implement the data capture portion of their natural disaster recovery premise. Doing this allowed them to prove that all necessary data could be captured from the damaged infrastructure in one site visit.


Willie Whelan
Vice President – Business Development at Osprey Integrity Ltd

Willie has a demonstrated history of working in the construction industry and has been involved in civil infrastructure, oil and gas, and mining industries. As a certified RPA pilot, Willie has vast experience in flying drones, and this all comes together at Osprey Integrity, where they are revolutionizing the industrial inspection sector through strategic partnerships and professional use of RPAS.

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