Case Study Industries: Oil & Gas
4 May 2022
Simplifying Detailed Data Capture to Create a Digital Twin of a Complex Onshore Compressor Station
Digitally capturing 3D point cloud data for oil and gas assets presents unique challenges and opportunities.
4 May 2022
Simplifying Detailed Data Capture to Create a Digital Twin of a Complex Onshore Compressor Station
Digitally capturing 3D point cloud data for oil and gas assets presents unique challenges and opportunities.
30 October 2020
Pertamina Balongan Refinery Data Capture
Emesent Hovermap technology helps Pertamina safely survey a bulk oil storage tank at the Balongan refinery.
10 August 2020
20+ Ways to Use Hovermap
Discover 20+ of Hovermap’s many data capture applications across a wide range of industries.
30 June 2020
Hovermap Accuracy
Lightweight, easy to use and deploy, the versatile Emesent Hovermap mobile LiDAR scanner is changing the way that people think about the collection of high-resolution 3D data.