Resource Centre > Case Studies > Georeferencing Hovermap Point Clouds using ‘Best Fit’ Sphere Registration in CloudCompare

Georeferencing Hovermap Point Clouds using ‘Best Fit’ Sphere Registration in CloudCompare

Accuracy Evaluation: Georeferencing Hovermap Point Clouds using ‘Best Fit’ Sphere Registration in CloudCompare

Lightweight and easy to deploy, the Emesent Hovermap LiDAR scanning system is opening new opportunities to quickly obtain high-resolution 3D data across a wide variety of applications. The versatility of Hovermap is a key feature in this and includes aerial (‘drone’), vehicle and walking capabilities to name a few.


Hovermap as mounted to the DJI M210 and handheld deployed across the study area in (a, b) two flights and a walking scan of a crushing plant.

Start mapping the inaccessible