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Advancing in Years, Autonomy, and Size: Emesent Turns 3

October marked the third year anniversary for Emesent, a time that has seen it grow into a global commercial enterprise.

Now employing over 120 staff, Emesent has a large engineering team – over 50 people. This team is furthering the ten years of research in robotics and autonomous systems started by the founders at the CSIRO. The staff are spread far and wide, with teams based in Europe and in the United States to work more closely with Emesent’s existing and growing list of partners and customers in these regions. Partners, like the resellers’ network that has grown to over 40 resellers around the world.

Emesent is investing in other partnerships, too, pursuing collaborations that streamline users’ path to digitalization. Collaborations with software providers such as PointCab and DataMine, give users a smoother process for manipulating their easily captured data.

Another way Emesent is helping users create their digital future is in providing more options to capture data, recently expanding Hovermap’s autonomy compatibility to additional drones.

Hovermap-Zoe is the first of these integrations that was made possible through Hovermap’s new compatibility with the open-source ArduPilot flight control platform – one of the world’s most popular flight controllers, installed in over one million vehicles worldwide. This compatibility will enable Element to integrate Hovermap with even more drone platforms in the future.

These collaborative and innovative efforts have continued to win Emesent competitions and awards. Last month, they were recognized as one of the most innovative businesses in Brisbane with their win of the 2021 Award for Excellence in International Business in the Brisbane Lord Mayor’s Business Awards.

They had another reason to celebrate recently as part of the team that placed second at the DARPA Subterranean Challenge, an elite robotics competition developed by the US Defence Advanced Research Project Agency to foster and accelerate pioneering research in autonomous exploration and mapping.

“We’re so proud of the contributions that Emesent has made to advance the state-of-the-art in robotics,” says Emesent CTO and Co Founder Dr Farid Kendoul.

“It’s the result of many years of hard work and collaboration by our team, and we’ll continue to push the boundaries of GPS-denied autonomy and mapping.”

Pushing boundaries, like improving self-exploring drones, which will further remove humans from harm’s way and get the human bottleneck out of the way, especially in search and rescue situations.

Farid’s Co Founder and Emesent’s CEO Dr Stefan Hrabar agrees.

“It’s amazing to see our technology winning awards, placing in prestigious international competitions, and being included in NASA’s plans to explore Mars, but we won’t stop there.

We plan on making what is impossible today become possible tomorrow, allowing our customers to reach the most challenging places while securing the safety of personnel and driving greater efficiency in their operations.”

Start mapping the inaccessible